criteria for your local partner

criteria for your local partner

Do you know which criteria you should set for your local partner? Ask any entrepreneur what is needed to have a successful business abroad and there is a big chance that the answer will be about the importance of having a good local partner. One must find someone who...
The International Trade & Investment Center in 2017

The International Trade & Investment Center in 2017

International entrepreneurship is a topic of interest for many Dutch companies and the potential of international trade is huge. A recent ITIC-research has shown that 47% of companies, covered by our study, are planning to expand their business internationally within the next eighteen months.

Ouderenzorg in China – rondetafellunch Den Bosch

Ouderenzorg in China – rondetafellunch Den Bosch

Handelsmissies zijn een populaire manier om de kansen op de buitenlandse markten te verkennen. Vele ondernemers hebben de laatste jaren deelgenomen aan handelsmissies en/of beurzen in China, om zo de eerste stappen op die markt te zetten. De ene keer bleek dit succesvoller dan de andere keer. Waar ligt dit aan?